Hotels Mediterranean Region, Turkey — 2 839 hotels

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4.63 5411 11152 17383 +46 едут
Cesars Belek 5* (ex.Cesars Temple De Luxe)
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 20 564 Reviews - 6 513
12.99% – vacation с детьми 6.85% – vacation семейный
Winner of the
12.99% of recommendations
good for с детьми
6.85% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
12.99% 6.85%
4.35 4518 4422 14028 +11 едут
Club Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 18 664 Reviews - 5 624
26.32% – vacation с детьми 26.22% – vacation семейный
Winner of the
26.32% of recommendations
good for с детьми
26.22% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
26.32% 26.22%
4.71 4385 4522 8498 +46 едут
Dobedan World Palace 5* (ex.Alva Donna World Palace)
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 20 516 Reviews - 4 582
10.96% – vacation семейный 6.97% – vacation с детьми
10.96% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
6.97% of recommendations
good for с детьми
10.96% 6.97%
4.75 4176 5655 10203 +18 едут
Dobedan Exclusive Hotel 5* (ex.Alva Donna Exclusive Hotel & Spa)
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 17 437 Reviews - 4 374
23.67% – vacation семейный 22.73% – vacation с детьми
Winner of the
23.67% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
22.73% of recommendations
good for с детьми
23.67% 22.73%
4.35 3812 2145 5254 +14 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 8 664 Reviews - 5 504
41.32% – vacation семейный 24.79% – vacation с друзьями
41.32% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
24.79% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
41.32% 24.79%
4.31 3636 2599 7826 +17 едут
Club Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 12 228 Reviews - 4 357
5.6% – vacation с детьми 5.4% – vacation семейный
5.6% of recommendations
good for с детьми
5.4% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
5.6% 5.4%
4.54 3365 4420 7985 +39 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 14 108 Reviews - 3 603
5.15% – vacation с детьми 3.94% – vacation семейный
5.15% of recommendations
good for с детьми
3.94% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
5.15% 3.94%
4.43 3225 3133 6017 +28 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 14 192 Reviews - 3 536
4.98% – vacation семейный 4.92% – vacation с детьми
Winner of the
4.98% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
4.92% of recommendations
good for с детьми
4.98% 4.92%
4.76 3219 3737 7055 +208 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 14 458 Reviews - 3 728
15.73% – vacation семейный 14.96% – vacation с детьми
Winner of the
15.73% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
14.96% of recommendations
good for с детьми
15.73% 14.96%
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4.62 3168 3113 6104 +17 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 10 943 Reviews - 3 441
8.62% – vacation с детьми 7.02% – vacation семейный
Winner of the
8.62% of recommendations
good for с детьми
7.02% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
8.62% 7.02%
4.67 3014 2727 5147 +16 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 13 182 Reviews - 3 388
4.69% – vacation семейный 3.52% – vacation с детьми
4.69% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
3.52% of recommendations
good for с детьми
4.69% 3.52%
4.64 2947 1658 3869 +7 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 10 458 Reviews - 3 342
12.11% – vacation семейный 9.54% – vacation с друзьями
12.11% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
9.54% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
12.11% 9.54%
4.59 2830 2842 6346 +11 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 12 470 Reviews - 3 205
6.8% – vacation семейный 6.69% – vacation с детьми
6.8% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
6.69% of recommendations
good for с детьми
6.8% 6.69%
4.59 2707 3276 6314 +15 едут
Hotel complex with villas, near the beach, 2nd line
Photos - 14 324 Reviews - 2 818
10.78% – vacation семейный 6.6% – vacation с детьми
10.78% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
6.6% of recommendations
good for с детьми
10.78% 6.6%
4.68 2681 2296 5381 +2 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 283 Reviews - 2 755
4.24% – vacation семейный 3.46% – vacation с детьми
4.24% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
3.46% of recommendations
good for с детьми
4.24% 3.46%
4.54 2296 2484 7695 +254 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 263 Reviews - 2 779
17.93% – vacation с детьми 13.27% – vacation семейный
17.93% of recommendations
good for с детьми
13.27% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
17.93% 13.27%
4.71 2281 2412 3991 +15 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 852 Reviews - 2 443
1.32% – vacation семейный 1.09% – vacation с детьми
Winner of the
1.32% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
1.09% of recommendations
good for с детьми
1.32% 1.09%
4.55 2226 1960 4631 +8 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 148 Reviews - 2 612
23.14% – vacation семейный 19.55% – vacation с детьми
23.14% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
19.55% of recommendations
good for с детьми
23.14% 19.55%
4.55 2205 2683 4433 +16 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 14 126 Reviews - 2 565
18.4% – vacation парой 16.62% – vacation семейный
Winner of the
18.4% of recommendations
good for couples
16.62% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
18.4% 16.62%
4.57 2180 2952 5351 +13 едут
Hotel, near the beach, across the road
Photos - 11 107 Reviews - 2 459
12.09% – vacation с детьми 11.53% – vacation семейный
4.50 2152 1258 3496 +15 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 293 Reviews - 2 741
3.79% – vacation семейный 3.32% – vacation с детьми
3.79% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
3.32% of recommendations
good for с детьми
3.79% 3.32%
4.64 2079 2459 4711 +8 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 10 519 Reviews - 2 343
16.71% – vacation семейный 12.22% – vacation с детьми
Winner of the
16.71% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
12.22% of recommendations
good for с детьми
16.71% 12.22%
4.59 1999 2073 4014 +6 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 8 404 Reviews - 2 265
2.86% – vacation семейный 2.01% – vacation с детьми
2.86% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
2.01% of recommendations
good for с детьми
2.86% 2.01%
4.45 1986 2193 4459 +17 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 8 673 Reviews - 2 391
16.42% – vacation семейный 11.59% – vacation с детьми
16.42% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
11.59% of recommendations
good for с детьми
16.42% 11.59%
4.51 1902 1672 3761 +14 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 2nd line
Photos - 7 053 Reviews - 2 715
3.79% – vacation семейный 2.77% – vacation с детьми
3.79% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
2.77% of recommendations
good for с детьми
3.79% 2.77%
4.75 1900 1063 2303 +11 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, across the road
Photos - 7 332 Reviews - 1 960
17.43% – vacation с детьми 17.18% – vacation семейный
17.43% of recommendations
good for с детьми
17.18% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
17.43% 17.18%
4.55 1890 1890 3360 +6 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 051 Reviews - 2 647
6.81% – vacation семейный 5.88% – vacation с детьми
6.81% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
5.88% of recommendations
good for с детьми
6.81% 5.88%
4.17 1881 1090 3471 +5 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 2nd line
Photos - 7 502 Reviews - 2 797
3.53% – vacation семейный 3.33% – vacation с детьми
3.53% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
3.33% of recommendations
good for с детьми
3.53% 3.33%
4.44 1874 2643 4799 +29 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 8 855 Reviews - 2 413
6.25% – vacation с детьми 5.04% – vacation семейный
4.45 1854 1264 3488 +8 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 3rd line
Photos - 6 392 Reviews - 2 303
3.53% – vacation семейный 1.78% – vacation с друзьями
3.53% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
1.78% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
3.53% 1.78%
4.77 1826 2130 3198 +30 едут
Dobedan Beach Resort Comfort 5* (ex.Alva Donna Beach Resort Comfort)
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 638 Reviews - 1 877
8.22% – vacation семейный 7.81% – vacation с детьми
8.22% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
7.81% of recommendations
good for с детьми
8.22% 7.81%
4.72 1767 1915 3250 +14 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 7 745 Reviews - 2 028
4.05% – vacation с детьми 3.25% – vacation семейный
4.05% of recommendations
good for с детьми
3.25% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
4.05% 3.25%
4.44 1751 1231 3931
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 5 873 Reviews - 2 615
14.01% – vacation с детьми 13.82% – vacation семейный
4.38 1746 1419 3231 +11 едут
Club Belpinar 4* (ex.Palmariva Club Belpinar)
Club Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 7 693 Reviews - 1 971
4.57% – vacation семейный 3.87% – vacation с детьми
4.57% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
3.87% of recommendations
good for с детьми
4.57% 3.87%
4.36 1720 1026 2852 +6 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 5 187 Reviews - 2 381
23.66% – vacation семейный 19.67% – vacation с друзьями
23.66% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
19.67% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
23.66% 19.67%
4.55 1719 1754 3821 +9 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 7 855 Reviews - 2 142
17.01% – vacation семейный 11.41% – vacation с детьми
17.01% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
11.41% of recommendations
good for с детьми
17.01% 11.41%
4.20 1713 1558 4398 +18 едут
Cesars Side 5* (ex.Cesars Resort)
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 7 952 Reviews - 2 638
2.69% – vacation семейный 2.27% – vacation с детьми
2.69% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
2.27% of recommendations
good for с детьми
2.69% 2.27%
4.46 1706 1167 2682 +19 едут
Hotel, near the beach, across the road
Photos - 7 373 Reviews - 2 065
10.78% – vacation с друзьями 10.47% – vacation семейный
10.78% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
10.47% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
10.78% 10.47%
4.75 1698 810 1968 +16 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 2nd line
Photos - 7 177 Reviews - 1 767
44.76% – vacation с детьми 30.51% – vacation семейный
44.76% of recommendations
good for с детьми
30.51% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
44.76% 30.51%
4.25 1688 1345 3881 +18 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 599 Reviews - 2 535
3.09% – vacation семейный 2.56% – vacation с детьми
4.50 1645 828 2299 +2 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 2nd line
Photos - 6 378 Reviews - 2 035
13.53% – vacation с друзьями 5.86% – vacation парой
13.53% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
5.86% of recommendations
good for couples
13.53% 5.86%
4.37 1643 1008 2655 +14 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 2nd line
Photos - 3 847 Reviews - 2 032
5.56% – vacation с друзьями 1.33% – vacation парой
5.56% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
1.33% of recommendations
good for couples
5.56% 1.33%
4.16 1632 968 3424 +4 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 5 664 Reviews - 2 461
2.88% – vacation семейный 1.67% – vacation с детьми
2.88% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
1.67% of recommendations
good for с детьми
2.88% 1.67%
4.23 1624 1773 4519 +16 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 6 198 Reviews - 1 905
2.7% – vacation семейный 2.3% – vacation с детьми
2.7% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
2.3% of recommendations
good for с детьми
2.7% 2.3%
4.13 1608 1114 3580 +23 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 2nd line
Photos - 6 847 Reviews - 2 425
12.1% – vacation семейный 10.51% – vacation с друзьями
12.1% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
10.51% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
12.1% 10.51%
4.64 1606 1676 3537 +14 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 9 052 Reviews - 1 751
33.24% – vacation семейный 30.17% – vacation с детьми
33.24% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
30.17% of recommendations
good for с детьми
33.24% 30.17%
4.72 1595 1818 2801 +9 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 7 308 Reviews - 1 780
15.37% – vacation с детьми 10.75% – vacation семейный
Winner of the
15.37% of recommendations
good for с детьми
10.75% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
15.37% 10.75%
4.15 1592 1348 3675 +18 едут
Hotel Complex, near the beach, 1st line
Photos - 8 073 Reviews - 2 343
2.34% – vacation семейный 1.49% – vacation парой
2.34% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
1.49% of recommendations
good for couples
2.34% 1.49%
4.32 1584 878 3293
Hotel, near the beach, across the road
Photos - 6 684 Reviews - 2 390
5.07% – vacation с друзьями 4.86% – vacation семейный
5.07% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
4.86% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
5.07% 4.86%
4.17 1576 1126 2950 +15 едут
Hotel, near the beach, 2nd line
Photos - 8 059 Reviews - 2 053
13.56% – vacation с друзьями 12.34% – vacation семейный
13.56% of recommendations
good for с друзьями
12.34% of recommendations
good for с семьёй
13.56% 12.34%